Country Code TLD Registrations---.CC registrations

Domain names/DNS > Country code TLD Registration

.CC Residency Requirements

.CC is an open registry; you do not have to be a Cocos Islands resident or business operator to register a .CC domain.

.CC Residency Requirements

.CC is an open registry; you do not have to be a Cocos Islands resident or business operator to register a .CC domain.

.CC Registrations

.CC is the country code TLD for the Cocos Islands. The Cocos Islands have made their name space available to any interested registrants, regardless of residency.

The following restrictions apply to .CC domain names:

  • Maximum name length is 63 characters excluding the dot.

  • Domain name must not start with a dash or a dot, and must not start with the sequence alphanumeric_alphanumeric_dash_dash. (Note: This format is only allowed when it is an International Domain Name which has the PUNYCODE prefix of “XN- - “)

  • The last character must be a digit or a letter; it cannot be a dash.