
Reseller Plan > API
API Name: CreateAccount

Description: This api will create a hosting account under your reseller account.


API URL: https://resellerapi.myASP.NET/createAccount


resellerid string 9 This is your reseller account's customer id
resellerkey guid 48 This is your reseller key
email (optional)
string 2 to 255 This is the email account associated with this hosting account. This must be a unique email address in our system. You cannot use an email address that's already exist in our system.
username string 8 to 20
This is the username of the hosting account.
password string 8 to 20 This is the hosting account password
bandwidth int   This is number of GB you would like to assign to the account.
int    This is number of MB you would like to assign to the account.
mssqlnum int
mssqlspace int This is number of MB you would like to assign to the account.
mysqlnum int
mysqlspace int This is number of MB you would like to assign to the account.
emailnum int
emailspace int This is number of MB you would like to assign to the account.
terms int
task int
planNameAlias string 2 to 20  This is the alias name of the hosting plan.   By default, all hosting account's plan name is WR-US or WR-US1.  You can change the name with this variable.


This function will return a 'successful' message and the 9 digit customer id OR error message.

{"result": {"status" : "true/false", "code" : "response_code", "message" : "response_message" , "data" : "customer_unique_id"}}

Error Code

G1000="Invalid Reseller Account/Authentication Error"
G1001="Invalid Hosting Account/Account Doesn't Belong To This Reseller"
G2000= [this is a general invalid parameter message]
G2001= [this is for other general error message]

C1001="Not Enough Bandwidth To Assign"
C1002="Not Enough Diskspace To Assign"
C1003="Not Enough Tasks To Assign"
C1004="Error creating resell account. General Error."
C1005="Username already exist in our system."
C1006="Email already exist in our system."
C1007="Sorry, Number of Sites Allowed cannot exceed 100."